It has certainly been an interesting ride. I was remarkably zen about breaking my leg and being out of commission for fall and winter marathon season, despite being on track to set a major PR or perhaps BQ. I thought, I did something silly, and I'll suffer the consequences. At least I didn't tear anything, or have a bad break. Its just eight weeks, I thought.
Approaching a full eight months later, my tune has changed. I felt sluggish and out of shape when I initially came back after December and January of slow PT. I was frustrated in March when I learned I'd injured some soft tissue and had to sit out everything but PT for a month. Against my best efforts, I was pretty down on myself after immediately re-injuring my leg after the rest period, setting me back at least another eight weeks.
I've been a good girl, or as good as I can manage. I'm doing my PT about five times a week, and doing my best to stay off my leg. Okay, I go outdoors and walk a bit, but nothing too far or difficult. I'm doing my best to get better without going crazy sitting indoors.
The long and hopeful road to recovery leads me to Kaiser tomorrow morning for an MRI. My doctor is skeptical that it will be useful, since the area I injured is small and difficult to see. I'm really hoping that I can finally get an answer to why my leg still hurts, eight months and countless hours of PT later. Will the slow but stead PT be effective eventually, or will I need to do something more drastic to recover? Hopefully, tomorrow's test will reveal an answer.
Despite the setbacks, the past eight months have been some of the best I've had. My broken leg caused me to meet the most fun, caring, amazing man, turning my supposed bad luck upside down. I've managed to learn so much in my "downtime" from running, appreciate the little things each day brings, and look forward to a time when I'll be running again.
It will happen. Look out!