Thursday, April 12, 2012

Catching Up

After realizing that I did in fact need to take it easy for a few weeks before jumping in to my next training schedule, I've just been trying to keep up. Keep up the miles to a respectable level, keep up with the Chips in the speed workouts on Tuesdays, and keep up the decent eating.

For the past four weeks or so, I've been keeping up, and now its time to catch up with my race planning. I had 18 weeks until the race a few weeks ago, so it is high time to make my training plan. I decided to take my own advice and do some research (after convincing John to read Hal Higdon during his training for Rome). I read Hal Higdon's Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide, and I ordered Pete Pfitzinger's Advanced Marathoning to read next. I hear good reviews of the more science-based programs in that book, which will build on the basics and common sense provided by Higdon's book.

So, the next few days I'll be catching up, and getting ready to train. And seriously, because this next race has hills!

In the spirit of catching up, here is my weekly summary for last week:

Workouts: Tuesday- 6 miles with Chips (5x800 w/400 jog), Wednesday- strength train and elliptical, Thursday- 5 easy, Sunday- 9 with Fleet Feet Group.

Miles last week: 20
Miles in 2012: 345

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