Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Morning Seven

I thought I'd map and post my morning route. I call it seven miles, though it shows as less. Crossing the street and going actually to my front door makes it closer to seven.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Week Eight Summary

Week eight is done! Here is my weekly summary:

Miles run this week: 27
Total marathon training miles: 145
Total Miles in 2010: 447

And I'm back!

After my ridiculous fall on Friday, and my incredibly sore back on Saturday, I was a bit worried that I wouldn't be able to run on Sunday. Or that I shouldn't run because I might further jar my back or my bruised knee. So I decided to go to training, and be willing to turn around after a mile if I didn't feel like I should run.

When I woke up Sunday, my back felt fine. I went to training, and still felt fine. We started running, and I felt fast, and I even lead the group for a good part of the run. We kept a pace around 9 minutes per mile for the entire 9 miles, and I felt great for the entire run. I was a bit sore in the afternoon, but that always happens after a long run.

So I think I will do great next Sunday in the Urban Cow Half Marathon. I was worried that the fall would set me back. The race is important- they are using it as a second assessment and giving us new pacing charts after the race results are in. I am excited about running it- with my new Garmin- and getting a new PR!

Friday, September 24, 2010


This morning, I almost didn't go running. John woke me up and said I could go tonight if I wanted. I kept thinking that 7 miles was really far to run in the morning, but that after work it would be hot and I wouldn't want to go. So I went. I ran to the end of Stonegate and back, then around the Village Parkway-Linden-Stonegate loop. Seven miles, while it was cool out, before 8 am. I got back into our complex, and thought about walking the rest of the way. But I thought- No, I should finish the run. I got to the building before mine and slipped and fell. Hard.

One of two things happened. Either I stepped too far to the right and landed on wet grass, and slipped, or the ground was wet from the sprinklers and I slipped. Either way, my right leg slipped and I went down hard on my right arm, rolled over in the grass, and walked home. I even rang the doorbell because I didn't want to take my hand-held bottle off my hand to get my key.

I was wearing capris, and I ripped a big hole above the knee. My right knee is very skinned. It is about a quarter plus a nickle, next to each other. I don't want to think how bad it would be if I had been wearing shorts like I usually do.

I landed directly on my handheld, and it is pretty scratched up. But my right wrist feels fine. I could have broken it. My right elbow is skinned bad on the outside and not so bad on the inside. My left palm hurts a bit, but is intact.

Overall, I feel fine. I was worried that it would get worse after a while (like when it took me an hour to realize I broke my wrist when I was 13). But all that feel different a few hours later is that my neck is sore. I did fall pretty hard. I could have sprained a ankle, broken my wrist (or arm), fell on my face, or skinned my hands. I was pretty lucky.

I guess that will teach me to ask myself why I've never fallen running, since I am no clumsy usually.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wednesday Speed Workout- boy are my legs tired!

Yesterday's speed workout was one of the most challenging thus far. I'm not sure if it was because the training is catching up to me- this Sunday's tempo workout was hard and I am still recovering from it! It may also be that as time goes on, the workouts get progressively more difficult. That would also make sense.

We started out at 100 Howe, and did a "bridge loop" down the levee past the Guy West Bridge, down to the H Street bridge, and across. I think. Anyway, the half mile (800) was on the north side of the river, between the two bridges. We ran the 800, jogged for 90 seconds, then ran back to the other bridge. I was a bit behind my group after the first 800, but I was still working very hard. My legs cramped, I was tired, and I didn't think I could do another each time I finished. But only having five to do made it seem more bearable than endless repeats of one minute.

Coach Ryan said that most people went too fast. We weren't supposed to go all out, but I know I did. He said that it won't set us back, but isn't as effective as a more controlled effort. I think what would help is actually being able to time the 800s and compare to the pace sheet (which I didn't do since I had forgotten to bring my pace sheet to know how fast I should be going). I was just going at full effort.

What should help with the upcoming runs is...


I am so excited! I have been debating getting one for a while now. I know I am bad at pacing and need the help of a device to tell me my approximate pace, but they are expensive and part of me feel that I shouldn't need the watch to do well. My runs have been good for the training program in part because most of the time I run with a group led by someone with a Garmin. So I broke down and bought one- at a very good sale price I might add. And it is the 405, one of the fancier ones with more training settings. I was originally going to get the stripped down 110, which basically just does pace, distance and time elapsed. But they were close to the same price, so I went for the better model.

I just hope it gets here in time to test it out before my half marathon the weekend after next.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week Seven Summary

At the end of the seventh week of training, here are my stats:

Miles run this week: 26
Total marathon training miles: 118
Total Miles in 2010:420

Much better than last week!

Sunday Tempo Run: 10 miles

I have to admit, I was a bit nervous going into my Sunday long run. I took the week off the week prior, and didn't do as well as I'd hoped on my Sunday 11 mile easy run after the time off. I was sore all week, and I was worried that the time off had gotten me off track. Going into this Sunday's run, I was determined that I had to perform well, or I would doubt my abilities for the rest of the training.

This Sunday's run was a 10 mile "Steady State" workout- 2 mile warm up, 6 miles at the Steady State (tempo) pace- around 8:10-8:22 according to my schedule- and a 2 mile cool down.

I started out with the group, and started feeling anxious when we started the speed at mile 2. I felt like I was going fast, and that I wouldn't be able to sustain it. But I knew I had to or I would worry that I wouldn't do well on the half marathon in two weeks, or the marathon. So I stuck with them.

I huffed and I puffed, and I kept up with the group. The farthest behind I got was about 20 feet, and that was in the last speed mile. I kept thinking of the run in mile sections. It made it a little more bearable.

After the six miles of speed were up, I felt tired but fine doing the cool down.

Overall, the group did the 10 miles in about 1:25, at an average of 8:22 per mile (including the warm up and cool down). That is faster than my best half marathon, which I did in 8:30 per mile. I have to do about 8:26 for the marathon to qualify for Boston, so I think I am on the right track.

On the actual splits, we did around 7:50 per mile for each tempo mile. I did 8:00 on the last one, but that is close enough.

Here is our approximate route:

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Friday, September 17, 2010

CIM medal revealed

Today, the CIM posted the design of this year's medal on their Facebook page. Here it is:

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thats more like it!

Yesterday was the weekly Wednesday speed work out. Last week, I skipped the workout since I was on vacation. The week before, it was hot and I ended up not doing much speed. I was happy to actually get a good speed workout in this week.

We did a 1.5 mile warm up, 3 miles of one minute on, one off, and a 1.5 mile cool down. I completed the run in 52 minutes, which isn't too bad. And I actually felt like I was doing my fastest most of the time. Yay!

Today I'll be doing spin after work with Chuck, which I've missed. My legs have mostly recovered from Sunday, and I'm looking forward to getting back to working out.

On another note, I am finished with my third day of eating better after vacation. I had a bite of a cookie last night, but that is all!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I'm on a post-vacation and pre-race diet. I know I shouldn't complain, but I'm a little chubby. No sweets or alcohol, and healthy meals are on the agenda. Well, I can have a drink on Sunday after my run, and I may pick one day for sweets also. But for the most part, nothing bad.

Here is today's lunch:
Quinoa, homemade black beans,
veggies and Tapatio!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week six summary

The sixth week of training is done, and here is the dismal amount I completed:

Miles run this week: 11
Total marathon training miles: 92
Total Miles in 2010: 394

This week I will do all my miles!

Sunday Long Run- Ouch!

While I was on vacation all week (Monday through Friday), I didn't get a chance to run. I meant to- I brought everything with me- but I just couldn't manage to find a suitable place or time. So I came to the weekly long run having taken a week off.

One the menu for this Sunday? 11 miles, the longest yet. We were scheduled for 27 miles for the week, which of course I wouldn't be completing.

I set off with my group, and felt great through the first six hilly miles. I even led the group for a while at around 8:30 pace. By mile six, my ankles hurt. Then my knees, then my hips. By mile 9, I had trouble keeping up. I lost my group during the ninth or tenth mile, falling behind at a hill. I scooted along, wincing at my joint pain.

We were on the same part of trail as last week, so when I got to the starting point I thought I was done. It was marked 10.5. I decided to be done anyway, and made up for the short cut by doing 6 strides.

Lesson: don't take a week off and expect to feel no consequences!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Week Five Summary

I have finished the fifth week of training!  

Miles run this week: 21
Total marathon training miles: 81
Total Miles in 2010: 383

Next week we increase to 27 miles! 

Sunday long run

This morning we did a long run- 9 miles- starting at an office park in Folsom (90 Blue Ravine Road). I ran with my usual group. Here is our route:

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We got a bit lost around 3.5 miles, following one of the coaches. We ended up on a trail, and had to go out to the street to find the route. We ended up taking the trestle bridge instead of the Greenback bridge, but we didn't add too much distance.

A lot of the route was the same trail as the Four Bridges Half Marathon. I wasn't a big fan of that race, but I appreciate doing the hills on this part of the bike trail during training. I didn't like that race because I didn't expect the hills!

The run took about an hour and twenty minutes, so we went around the pace we should be doing for an easy/long run. I had a Gu and half a package of Clif Blocks, which was nice. I also took sports drink instead of water on accident, because I filled up at the start and not at home. I was afraid it would bother me, but I was fine.

Next weekend we do an 11 miles run, so I hope my runs this week are quality enough to support that!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Workouts this week

This week, I did the following workouts:

Monday: 4 miles in the morning
Wednesday: 4 miles (speedwork-sort of) after work
Thursday: spin with Chuck!
Friday: 4 miles in the morning

I'm looking forward to the 9 miles long group run this Sunday, even if we will be joining with the half marathon group, and will be down two coaches.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Not so fast Wednesday

Though it was only 95 degrees out yesterday evening, I had trouble with our speed workout. I don't know if it was not drinking enough water before the run, drinking accelerade before the run, or the fact that last time it was this hot out, we didn't do the speed part of the workout- but I was hurting.

I did the first few 2 minutes of speed (and 2 minutes of easy) well, but after maybe 8 or 10 minutes of speedwork in the heat, I was done. I alternated slow and a little less slow the rest of the way, slogging through an upset stomach to boot.

Oh well. I hope tomorrow morning's run is better!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Vegan runners

I came across an interesting article this morning about ultramarathoner Scott Jurek, who also happens to be vegan. The article details the extreme amount of (healthy) food he consumes daily to support his 140-mile a week schedule.

I'm especially impressed because I actually stopped being a vegetarian when I started running more regularly. I was up to maybe 15 miles a week (not much, I know), and I just couldn't eat enough. I must admit that I didn't do a very good job of varying my protein sources, and I could have done much better research on how to support my athletic efforts. But the bottom line for me was that, at 110 pounds, I was nearly anorexic from not consuming enough calories to support my running. So I started eating meat.

Four years later, I don't regret this decision. I do enjoy meat. But I know it isn't good for me, and I eat vegetarian or vegan for lunch (and breakfast) most days. I do feel a twinge of regret for giving up so easily on my vegetarian lifestyle, and admire people who can be great athletes and great eaters, making a healthy vegan (or vegetarian) diet for themselves that supports their running.