Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Another One Bites the Dust

You know that thing I said, on Sunday, about being overtrained but still compelled to do more. Well, that won't be a problem anymore.

In my infinite wisdom, I went climbing yesterday, after feeling wiped from running 22 the day before. I top roped for maybe an hour and then went to boulder. I was bouldering for a while, and felt tired. My arms were sore, and I was generally low energy. But I really wanted that V3, and I was so close. I was making progress, and I was just one move away. I had folks helping me work it out. It was fun, and I thought that I'd finally get that project done.

I knew I was tired. I kept getting flustered when I was on the wall and getting help (try grabbing it this way, or heel hook the blue one, etc.). I knew I was done for the night, and I should just come back tomorrow.

No, just one more time, I decided. The people I'd been working the problem with had gone off somewhere, and I had the cave to myself. Thats fine- no one to distract me. I'll stick the last move and be done. I'd fallen so many times from near the last move that I was sure I'd be fine falling again. I'd had a spotter before, but they'd never had to help.

Well, of course, I went for the last move and took a nasty fall. I was off balance from trying to dyno a move that I'd been told might just be too far of a reach for me. I fell, and landed with my left leg bent inward. I heard a pop. And then I sat down for a few minutes.

A friend saw me fall and came over to see if I was okay. I got up, washed my hands, and left. They gave me an ice pack at the front desk, and I went home and called for an early morning doctor appointment.

I was anxious all night, and got up way too early. It hurt, bad. I could walk, but barely. I went to the doctor at 8:40, and she immediately sent me to X-Ray, pretty sure I had broken my leg.

The X-Ray, and later the Orthopedist, confirmed that I broke my fibula, just under the LCL attachment under the knee. The Orthopedist thinks it may have been caused when I landed, when the LCL probably stretched too much and snapped the fibula. She thinks I may have torn the LCL a bit, but only on one attachment right above the break, so it should heal.

I'm fine with pain, but both times when the doctors told me I wouldn't be able to run CIM this year, I cried. I've been training so hard, and I really wanted to go for a Boston Qualifier. I'm in the best shape of my life, and I threw it away on a stupid V3, doing a stupid thing that I knew better than to do. I can't believe I was so stupid. But we all do it, all the time. Just not everyone gets hurt.

On the positive side, I have a brace instead of a cast, and the doctor said I can do whatever I want on my leg as long as it doesn't hurt. I plan to beast it up in the weight room at Pworks, so I don't lose the upper body strength I've worked so hard to build over the last few months. I'll be starting almost from scratch with running in December, so I might as well keep my climbing fitness up.

So I'm bummed, majorly so, but it could have been worse. Much worse. I'll just try to think that, because the pity party has to end tonight!

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